Franchise Categories
The experts at Allied Franchise Consultants have a current listing of those franchises available to you for each category. If you are interested in one of these categories, go to the Contact page, complete the contact form and submit it to Allied Franchise Consultants.
- Automotive
- Beauty, Salon & Spa
- Building, Decorating & Renovation
- Child Education Development
- Coffee & Beverages
- Computer Technology
- Direct Marketing
- Emerging Developing Brands
- Employment & Personnel
- Environmentally Green
- Financial Services
- Fitness, Health, & Nutrition
- Food and Restaurant
- Hair Styling
- Laundry & Dry Cleaning
- Maid Service & Janitorial Cleaning
- Maintenance
- Management & Training
- Medical
- Miscellaneous & Unique
- Moving & Storage
- Pet Care
- Printing, Copying & Shipping
- Real Estate
- Repair and Restoration
- Retail Sales
- Security
- Senior Care
- Signs
- Travel
Just a Few of Our Top Franchises